Friday, February 28, 2014

Once again...catching up!

It feels as though the past few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind!  Preparing for our camping trip took quite a bit of work and advanced planning!  In the week following our trip we had wonderful visits from Grandma Poelstra and Aunt Joan and Grandpa and Grandma Bruinsma!  We loved seeing all four of them, but it once again made for an unusually busy week!  Finally this week was more "normal", but after feeling like this week too was jam packed, I've come to realize that this is just our phase of life!  Especially since there is a one year old in our house!  She sure is a doll, but she keeps us on our toes!
In preparation for Grandpa and Grandma's visit, Faith wanted to fill the house with snow flakes so they would feel at home!  I tried to explain their desire to escape the snow, but as one who is in it for a week a year and loves it, she had a hard time understanding that!
Last Friday we went to the zoo as it was a gorgeous day!  We had the chance to hear three different animal talks, which was really interesting!  And it was fun to see the gorillas up close!
The kids are still pretty Star Wars obsessed!  Since Disney is producing the next three Star Wars movies, Star Wars paraphernalia is now at the Disney Store!  Shane was thrilled that we found some Darth Vader pjs for him!  I think he wore them five nights in a row!!
Faith has been into wearing her hair in different styles lately.  This past week she wore a ponytail two days, pig tails two days, and today she asked for two braids in her hair!  It's been fun for both of us!
And sweet Olivia loves to get into anything and everything!  Of course some of her favorite things are her big brother and sister's toys they do not let her have!  When they are gone, she usually heads straight for those toys!
She also loves to pretend with dishes and my kitchen gadgets!  Playing outside is her most favorite thing to do, especially to go in the play house and bring us a plate and a utensil!  She really is becoming more and more fun!
Tonight these two were my kitchen helpers.  After Olivia went to bed, we baked chocolate chip cookies together!  It's fun to be able to bake with them as they actually can be helpful now!

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