Monday, February 17, 2014

Desert Camping 2014

This past weekend was our annual camping trip to the desert with our friends!  As always it was quite the adventure!  Not being a natural camper, it's always a challenge for me to be in that type of environment!  This year Olivia's stage of life increased the challenge quite a bit!  She is just everywhere and into everything, which I am used to at home, but in a trailer is another thing! 
She really embraced the dirt and loved it, which forced me to do the same!  One of her favorite things to do was just scoop up dirt and try to put it in the nearest trailer!  We tried to coach her into picking up dirt or rocks and putting it into a pail!  What a huge load of laundry I am working on as a result of her love of the dirt! 
Both Faith and Shane really had fun riding the quads once again!  Unfortunately I did not get a close up picture of Faith!  They did really well and both liked to go fast!
Olivia thought the quad was fun too!  She called them "beep beeps" as that is what she calls her riding toy at home!  Don't worry!!  Of course she did not actually ride on one!  Sitting on the quad was fun enough for her!
While it is always fun to see all the kids play together, it was especially fun to see some of the older girls take a liking to Olivia and watching out for her!
Karlene was great about having fun activities for the kids!  Here they are creating things out of gum drop candies and toothpicks!
Passing time in the truck, Olivia played peek-a-boo with me! 

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