Wednesday, October 30, 2013

End of Soccer

We spent our final busy Saturday at the soccer fields for yet another year!  And I know at least Steve and I could not be happier!  While it was fun at times, we are thankful to have our Saturday's free and open once again!

In Shane's final game, he scored his second goal of the season!  I was the ref for his game, and in a very unbiased manner I let out a loud "Yeah!" when he kicked that ball with authority into the back of the net!  After the game we celebrated the season with a pizza lunch at a nearby pizza parlor.  It was a great way to end the season!
Immediately following the pizza party, we headed back to the soccer fields for Faith's final game!  Thankfully I did not have to ref that game!  She ended her season and possibly her soccer career as she is interested in trying some other sports in the future!
And our sweet little Olivia was great the entire day!  I was worried that she would have a meltdown or two not having a nap until 3pm that day, but she was just great!  And she discovered a new food she loves - pizza! That's what happens when you are the third child!

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