Our wild weekend started Friday morning as we had our first Better Together (our homeschool co-op) class day of the year! The kids were beyond excited to take a few classes, see their friends, and eat lunch there.
Shane was especially excited about the Lego class he is taking! He is also in an art class and a physics class! He loved all three!
Faith is also in the Lego class, but the class she was most looking forward to was American History with Kaya, which is a class based on the books of the American Girl Doll Kaya. In that class she made a doll out of a corn husk! She is also in an Intro to Writing class. While she was not so thrilled I signed her up for that one, she admitted that she enjoyed it!
Our Saturday's are busy with the girls' ballet classes and Shane's soccer games. This week the craziness was magnified by soccer pictures and bringing the team snack for Shane, and Nutcracker tryouts for Faith! In the picture Faith is with her friend Audrey! They find out at the end of the week which part they will play this year!
It is still blazing hot in Ventura, so Sunday afternoon we headed to the beach to beat the heat once again! Olivia could hardly contain her excitement! She just loves the beach!
This week not only did she run in and out of the water on her own, but she also went out a bit deeper with Steve and I! I just love this picture of the two of them!
Here they are playing out in the "deeper" area! The water still feels relatively warm, making it enjoyable for the parents to go in too!
The little time that was spent out of the water they girls played with the and toys! While I love our family beach days, I'm hoping to go there because we want to not because we need to!
For those of you curious as to how Olivia did at Puggles this week...she loved it!! She stayed all by herself and did really well!
Puggles...could there be a cute name?! :)