Sunday, September 13, 2015

Week in Review

Now that we are passed Labor Day, all fall activities are in full swing, and life is once again busy (or possibly crazy!)  Here are a few highlights from the week...

The kids started Awana this week!  The most exciting part is that Olivia is old enough to join the Puggles class, which is designed for 2-3 year olds!  Faith and Shane were super excited and picked up where they left off last spring.  Olivia, who used to cry every time she was not able to stay at Awana, actually cried when I tried to leave her in the class!  I think it had a lot to do with the other two kids who started screaming when their parents left, but super long story short, I ended up having to stay in the class with her.  No Target shopping alone for me!  Never a dull (or predictable!) moment as a parent!  Hopefully this week will go more smoothly and I can actually leave!

The two girls before ballet on Saturday!  Faith is now in level two, which means two classes at week!  Olivia officially started her class this week, and I am very excited that the two girls' classes overlap on Saturday morning! Tryouts for the Nutcracker are this coming Saturday, so soon I will be spending my Saturday mornings and afternoons at ballet!  Olivia did great going to class here all by herself, as I expected from little miss independent!
The biggest news was saved for last - Shane lost his first tooth!  And yes, it's a top tooth, which is not normal!  All four front teeth are loose, and somewhere along the way the sweet boy may have bumped his top teeth as this one was for sure the loosest!  And the permanent tooth is already coming in, so it was definitely ready to come out!  He could have quite the large gap soon!  Good thing corn eating season is about over for the summer!

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