Monday, August 18, 2014

First Day of School

Today marked the first day of third grade for Faith and kindergarten for Shane!  While I think we could all use another month of summer vacation, we needed to get started per our charter school!  And everyone else in Ventura is starting too, so it made it more bearable!
Since it was the first day, there was quite a bit of eagerness and excitement and cooperation!  While I hope the excitement will last at least through the week, I do know that the entire year will not go as smoothly as today did!
Shane was thrilled to be given actual work to do after watching Faith over the years!  He did well and commented that kindergarten is pretty easy so far!
For each of the kids, I break the school work into three parts: On your own, with your sibling, and with mom.  The with your sibling assignments I think are going to be special as it puts Faith in charge of reading something (and of course commenting and asking questions, done totally on her own!) to Shane!  Today she read his Bible story to him.  It's also great to see Faith being able to do so much more of her work independently!  It's going to be a great year!!

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