Friday, January 16, 2015

The Kids start TawKwanDo!

The new year has begun, and for us that brings a few new activities!  I had been looking into some type of martial arts for Shane throughout the fall (trying to streamline his boyish energy!!), and found a highly recommended studio in Ventura.  Shane went through the first class, and after watching it Faith asked if she too could take TKD!  After talking it over with Steve, we gave her the thumbs up!  Shane is excited to share this with her, and it's easy as they are both in the same class!
Here they are in class! They have had three classes and are really enjoying it!  They even both earned their first belt stripe by asking an instructor to take a test after class this past Thursday!  And they are practicing together to earn another stripe at their next class!  I am appreciating the emphasis on hard work, perseverance, respect, exercise, and manners!

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