Today Faith started piano lessons with a new teacher. It is a bit of a bittersweet moment as the reason for the switch is a result of her other teacher passing away in his sleep two days after Christmas. Being so young, only 42, and it seemingly good health, it of course came as a real shock to our family. While Faith will miss lessons with Jonathan, we feel fortunate to have found a new teacher so quickly. And she even comes to our house for lessons! Junko has taught four of Faith's friends for a number of years and comes highly recommended. The lesson today went very well, and Junko is full of enthusiasm and knowledge!
Last week Wednesday Junko came over to meet Faith and I. She was telling Faith about how she was born in Japan and lived there for many years, and she wondered if Faith had ever tried sushi? Faith told her that her mom and dad love it, but she had never tried it. Junko suggested that Faith try a California Roll. After the meeting I wasn't exactly sure what Faith was thinking or feeling (despite my questions!), but on Thursday she asked when we could try some sushi because she really wanted to before teacher Junko came back for her first lesson! And that was when I knew that Faith liked her! There is a sushi place next to where the kids take TaeKwanDo, so after class on Monday we went to try a California Roll! Faith loved it, except for the avocado!, and Shane thought it was terrible and almost spit it out!! That did not surprise me!
Tuesday night was western night at Awana! The kids love to dress up for the theme nights! Of course Olivia had to dress up too just like them. Sadly, the poor little girl thinks each week that she is going to get to stay there too! And each week we have some tears on the car ride home! She even carries Faith's old Sparks bag each week when we walk the big kids to their classes! The good news is that she can start going next year to a class for 2-3 year olds called Puggles!