Monday, March 24, 2014

Olivia the wild!

We're not sure if Olivia is actually crazier than our other two kids, or if it's more that we are just busier as we have more kids to divide our time and attention.  But that girl is high maintenance!!! 
This was her...after she climbed the ladder by HERSELF!!!  I heard the backdoor open, so I quickly finished whatever I was doing and went outside.  I glanced around and didn't see where Olivia went, until I spotted her at the top of the ladder climbing in the clubhouse!  She has also been found climbing the piano bench and sitting on it to play the piano, on top of the toilet (lid down just sitting there!), and also hanging from the kitchen table in attempt to climb up on a bench. 
Of course she is such a delight and we love her dearly!  Steve had the opportunity to spend the day with her last week while the other kids and I were at group solutions!  They had great fun running errands and going out for lunch!
And now that we realize how crazy she can be, we are taking some precautionary measures and setting up fun, safe things for her to enjoy! 

The Latest

It's really hard to believe that spring has sprung and the month of March is already almost over!  Where does the time go?  I guess it flies by when we're having fun!  We have stayed busy with just our normal life routine...combined with all three kids catching the cold that seems to be going around!
Olivia has a real love for books!  Taking her to the library was fun as she wanted to "read" so many different books!
Faith continues to do well with school.  Her favorite subject is still science, and lately she has been having fun creating her own experiments!  In this picture she was testing what material would best hold up a marble over a cup of water! 
And with the great weather all three kids have been spending much of the day outside. Of course Olivia thinks she can do whatever the big kids do - including ride a bike! 
Last Tuesday night was Drive in movie night at Awana! It's the night the kids look forward to the most, and the night the parents dread the most!  Making a "car" for each of the kids out of a box is a real chore for parents who are not by nature very crafty or creative!  Thankfully the kids aren't too picky and just go with whatever we come up with to be their "car"!
Steve found a great new place for tacos!  We have been there the past two Saturday nights for dinner!  It's great as it's very casual and family friendly - key aspects when taking three kids, especially the baby!  The kids love the flan!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Summer Weekend in March

With temperatures around 80 degrees, it was very fitting that we had two BBQs to go to this weekend!  Saturday evening my friend Melissa had some friends over for an impromptu get together.  It's so much fun when not only are the adults friends but the kids are as well!
Olivia and I!  She had fun, but Melissa has three dogs at her house and Olivia was not a fan!!  She expected them to run away from her like our cat does!  Instead she learned dogs want to play and jump!
Sunday afternoon and evening we were invited to the birthday party and bbq of boy in our church.  The kids had a blast in the jolly jump!  They too had dogs, but Olivia did much better!
This was the bummer of the weekend.  The old lady hit the van while we were driving home from the Reagan museum.  Thankfully we are all completely fine!!  The kids were scared, but since I was stopped as I saw her entering my lane of traffic, it was low impact.  Never a dull moment!

Visit to the Reagan Museum

After nine years of living in Ventura county, we finally made it to the Reagan Museum!  We went with a group of our homeschool friends and had a great time!  While I need to go back so I can actually read the plaques and examine things a bit more, it was interesting, informative, and interactive!  Faith looks like a natural giving an inaugural address!  Naturally she now wants to become the president when she grows up!

Shane too had to practice giving his speech!
This is Faith reading lines to act in a scene with President Reagan!  She was the first brave one of our group to do this fun activity.  After she went of course all the other kids wanted to try it too!
Seeing Air Force One was a highlight!  We were able to walk through the plane, but were not allowed to take any pictures.  There was also a Marine One helicopter to tour. 
The kids all enjoyed the "Reaganomics" games in which they could invest money and learn how investing over time is rewarding!
What's a visit to the museum without a horse ride with Mr. President himself?!?  If you have not been to this beautiful museum and you have the opportunity, I highly suggest that you go!  I look forward to going back again soon!