In a few days our sweet little Olivia will be 18 months! In many ways it is really hard to believe that she could be that old already! And on the other hand, it's not that surprising given the way she shows us daily how much she is getting older, knowing more, and communicating more. It seems as though she is adding to her vocabulary daily, and even saying short little phrases! Today we were looking for one of her shoes and she asked, "Shoe...where go?" I just love this age as kids seem to take that level of interaction to the next level! It is truly amazing to think about all the she has learned in just a mere 18 months!
But of course as she grows older, the list of things that I worry about her doing (actually I should say attempting to do and getting hurt!!) also grows! A few months ago we put a chair in front of the ladder leading up to the clubhouse as she figured out how to climb that. Where there is a will there is a way, and little Livvy now climbs the slide to get to the clubhouse! She can no longer be left to roam a bit in the back while I make dinner, or put away groceries, or whatever small task it is that needs to be done! Naturally, she is quite proud of herself!

The trampoline is also a place where she likes to play. She is yet to be able to climb up there by herself! On Friday she did find an interesting place to climb...the toilet! As in she climbed inside and was standing in it!! I was so thankful there was just water inside, and that she was not wearing pants or shoes! While she is not ready to be trained (and there is no way I'm ready for that!!), she is very interested in the toilet. Since the toilet incident on Friday, I have been in the bathroom with her where she tells me she wants to use it and I think that was why she climbed in! There is never, ever a dull moment in our house with this child!!
Proof that she is not crazy all the time! Her love of books continues to grow too!
And she tends to be more mellow in the morning! She loves to cuddle with Shane on the couch and watch their favorite morning shows!
One last picture! On Tuesday and Thursday mornings we go to a cross fit workout for moms at our church! It's totally perfect as the big kids play (after they do a short workout!), and the babies all hang out together in their strollers. Next to Olivia is her buddy Santiago, who she calls Ago! They often cheer us on as we struggle through the workout!